Chapter One - "Checks and Balances"
Every turn during Good Heavens:
if the location is the Summit and the mysterious goddess is in the location and the mysterious goddess is unaroused
decrease the trivia-clock of the mysterious goddess by 1;
if the trivia-clock of the mysterious goddess is 0
say "'Alas, time is up,' sighs the goddess. 'What a pity. Oh well, better luck next time.' She kisses you on the cheek and vanishes with a small thunderclap.";
move the mysterious goddess to Limbo;
if the trivia-clock of the mysterious goddess < 5
say "[The mysterious goddess] considers you. 'You have [trivia-clock of the mysterious goddess in words] minute[if the trivia-clock of the mysterious goddess > 1]s[end if] left to pray to me by name,' she notes. [run paragraph on]";
choose a random row from the Table of Trivial Hints;
let T be the hint entry;
say "[T].";
blank out the whole row;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if the location is the Summit and the mysterious goddess is in the location and the mysterious goddess is proper-named
choose a row with a castmember of "Rosario Dawson" in the Table of Real Cast Members;
now the character entry is "Trivia";
end if.
Table of Trivial Hints
hint |
"'If you can guess my name, the whole trifecta is on the menu,' she smiles, briefly touching her fingertips to her lips, her pelvis, and her buttocks" |
"'Pursuing me was quite the pastime, once upon a time,' she sighs wistfully" |
"'There are those who claim I've become awfully liberal in the arts of seduction, but they're a bit less than half right,' she murmurs" |
"'Did you know that the highest peak of Olympus, Mytikas, on which we now stand, is 2917 meters above sea level?' the goddess asks, irrelevantly" |
"'Turn-ons: long walks on the beach, fast horses, grammar, rhetoric, and logic,' she points out, staring at you hungrily" |
This is the do-you-feel-lucky-punk rule:
if the score is less than possible-points-by-summit, rule succeeds;
if the has-prayed-to-slot is "wrong", rule succeeds;
[Trivia will never show up if the player has not already maxed out his conquests, or if he's prayed to the incorrect deity]
move the mysterious goddess to the location;
really have the parser notice the mysterious goddess;
say "As you approach the bridge, there's a sudden 'bamf' noise, and standing before you is a beautiful dark-skinned woman. 'Hello, there, Stiffy,' she says. 'I[apostrophe]m the goddess of the Last Lousy Point, among other things. You have impressed me with your tally of conquests so far, [run paragraph on]";
now the mysterious goddess is warned_about;
choose a row with a character of "The mysterious goddess" in the Table of Real Cast Members;
now the met entry is true;
if the has-prayed-to-slot is "(null)"
say "and now all I require of you is that you pray to me by name. If you do me that one trifling, inconsequential task,' she says, twirling her raven locks with her fingers, 'then I would be more than happy to bestow upon you the aforementioned Last Lousy Point. I'll give you [trivia-clock of the mysterious goddess in words] minutes to figure it out.'";
increase the trivia-clock of the mysterious goddess by 1;
say "and with your masterful selection of [has-prayed-to-slot] as the addressee of your prayer. I am Trivia, goddess of the Three Ways, slightly fewer than half of the liberal arts, esoteric knowledge, sixty-degree circular wedges, text adventurers, and, as I mentioned, the Last Lousy Point. Would you like to score it? It's yours for the taking.'";
now the mysterious goddess is proper-named;
now the mysterious goddess is horny;
now the printed name of the mysterious goddess is "Trivia";
choose a row with a castmember of "Rosario Dawson" in the Table of Real Cast Members;
now the character entry is "Trivia";
end if;
rule fails.