Stiffy Makane: Apocolocyntosis — 216 of 235

One of the Bruces and Drunken Bastard

Release 1

Part Two - "The Last Lousy Point"

Before going north in Summit for the first time:

follow the do-you-feel-lucky-punk rule;

if the rule failed, stop the action.

Before going north in Summit:

move the sunglasses to Limbo;

now the Stiffy Makane figurine is in Model_Olympus;

if the mysterious goddess is boinked


move scenery_trivia to the Grand Palace;

end if;

if the mysterious goddess is in the location and the mysterious goddess is not boinked


follow the spurning-the-goddess rule;

end if;

move the Julius Caesar figurine to Limbo; [ Since he's a god now, he's off the board....]

now the description of the Julius Caesar figurine is "Caesar mopes, his head in his hands, on the steps of the Grand Palace in Olympus.";[No longer used]

now the description of the Stiffy Makane figurine is "It's you! You're wearing [a list of the garments worn by Stiffy Makane][if the Golden Banana is held by Stiffy Makane] and clutching the Golden Banana triumphantly[end if].";

now the description of the Syra figurine is "Syra is surrounded by a mass of fur-clad Siberian hunters.";

now the description of the mweru bird figurine is "The Mweru Bird at model scale is nothing more than a threadbare stuffed canary.".

Possible-points-by-summit is a number that varies. Possible-points-by-summit is 17. [If we fill in more backstory, remember to update this.]