Book Two - "Jerusalem"
Part One - "Jerusalem"
Jerusalem is a room. It is east of Jaffa. The description of Jerusalem is "This is Jerusalem, center of the Jewish world. You stand just inside the Jaffa Gate, which is to your west; to the east, the street rises towards the Temple. A scary-looking alley is just to the north, and to the south is a gaudy storefront."
Before going west in Jerusalem, say "You step through the Jaffa gate and begin the long journey back. It is hot and tedious, but free of mishap."
The scenery_jerusalem_alley is scenery in Jerusalem. The printed name is "alley". The description is "A dank alley winds off to the north." Understand "dank", "scary", "looking", "scary-looking", "alley", and "dark" as the scenery_jerusalem_alley. The scenery_jerusalem_alley can be enterable. It is enterable. Instead of entering the scenery_jerusalem_alley, try going north. Instead of doing anything other than entering or examining with the scenery_jerusalem_alley, say "The alley's not here. This is the street. Street. Alley. Different places, see?"
The scenery_jerusalem_storefront is scenery in Jerusalem. The printed name is "storefront". The description is "'Zach's Mohelerie' is the name advertised on the brightly-painted sign above the [if the player encloses the golden banana and madame sosostris is unboinked]closed and locked[otherwise]open[end if] door." Understand "Zach", "Zach's", "Mohelerie", "bright", "paint", "sign", "gaudy", "store", "storefront", "brightly-painted", "store", "door", "open", "shop", "chop", and "chopshop" as the scenery_jerusalem_storefront. Instead of doing anything other than examining or entering with the scenery_jerusalem_storefront, say "You can look at the store, or you can enter it, and that's about it." Instead of entering the scenery_jerusalem_storefront, try going south.
Instead of going south in Jerusalem when the player encloses the golden banana and madame sosostris is unboinked:
say "The door is locked. A small sign proclaims 'Gone to Carthage to resupply from Dr. Riviera. Back soon!'";
stop the action.
The scenery_jerusalem_temple is scenery in Jerusalem. The printed name is "temple". The description is "The street rises to the east towards a large white marble temple to Jehovah, the god of the Jews." Understand "street", "large", "white", "marble", "second", "temple", "Jehovah", "Yahweh", and "YHWH" as the scenery_jerusalem_temple. Instead of going up in Jerusalem, try going east. Instead of doing anything other than examining or entering with the scenery_jerusalem_temple, say "The Temple is too far away." Instead of entering the scenery_jerusalem_temple, try going east.
The scenery_jaffa_gate is scenery in Jerusalem. The printed name is "Jaffa Gate". The indefinite article is "the". The description is "The Jaffa Gate might be impressive for Jerusalem, but in Rome no one would give it a second thought. It's an arch. The road going through it leads to Jaffa. There is little else to say about it." Understand "Jaffa", "Gate", "arch", and "road" as the scenery_Jaffa_gate. The scenery_jaffa_gate can be enterable. It is enterable. Instead of doing anything other than examining, searching, or entering with the scenery_jaffa_gate, say "Looking at it or passing through it are pretty much your options, Jaffa-Gate-wise." Instead of entering the scenery_jaffa_gate, try going west. Instead of searching the scenery_jaffa_gate, say "The road stretches in the direction of Jaffa. Hence the name."