Book Three - "Lake Avernus"
Lake Avernus is east of Cocceio's Cave. The description is "Lake Avernus stretches before you, a round lake a few hundred yards across surrounded by a low rim. Cocceio's Cave runs back to the west through the hillside. To the south is the trapezoidal mouth of the Sybil's Grotto, and at your feet opens the gently smoking pit that leads to Hades."
Instead of going down in Lake Avernus for the first time, say "A ghostly voice inside your head mutters:[line break][italic type]facilis descensus Averno;[line break]noctes atque dies patet atri ianua Ditis;[line break]sed revocare gradum superasque evadere ad auras,[line break]hoc opus, hic labor est[roman type][63 as a reference].[paragraph break]This unnerves you enough that you choose not to descend."
Instead of going down in Lake Avernus for the second time, say "Suicide is not the answer[64 as a reference]."
Instead of going down in Lake Avernus for the third time, say "Can't do that...yet[65 as a reference]!"
Instead of going down in Lake Avernus, say "You decide, after all, not to enter the Land of the Dead with your mission, as yet, unfulfilled."
Instead of smelling in Lake Avernus, try smelling the scenery_pit.
Instead of going inside in Lake Avernus, say "There are three candidates: Cocceio's Cave, to the west, the Sybil's Grotto to the south, and the pit to Hades, down."
The scenery_pit is scenery in Lake Avernus. The printed name is "abyssal pit". The description is "Mephitic vapors waft from the rather wide and gently-graded pit that leads to Hades." Understand "abyss", "abyssal", "mephitic", "vapor", "vapors", "waft", "wafting", "wide", "gentle", "gently", "smoke", "smoking", "pit", "hades", "hell", "stench", "sulfurous", "sulfur", "sulphur", "sulphurous", "rot", "rotten", "rotting", "egg", "eggs", and "brimstone" as the scenery_pit. Instead of smelling the scenery_pit, say "The gases smell of rotten eggs." The scenery_pit can be enterable. It is enterable. Instead of entering the scenery_pit, try going down.
The scenery_lake_avernus is scenery in Lake Avernus. It is proper-named. The printed name is "Lake Avernus". The description is "The lake is dark and deep, and looks very cold." Instead of jumping into the scenery_lake_avernus, say "It's too cold to go swimming." Instead of diving into the scenery_lake_avernus, try jumping into the scenery_lake_avernus. Instead of swimming in Lake Avernus, try diving into the scenery_lake_avernus. Instead of swimming around in scenery_lake_avernus, try diving into the scenery_lake_avernus. Instead of going east in Lake Avernus, try diving into the scenery_lake_avernus. Understand "round", "lake", "avernus", and "averno" as the scenery_lake_avernus.
The scenery_grotto is scenery in Lake Avernus. The printed name is "grotto". The description is "A trapezoidal passage leads into the hillside to the south." Understand "grotto", "cave", "mouth", "trapezoid", "trapezoidal", "hill", "hillside", "stone", "tufa", and "passage" as the scenery_grotto. The scenery_grotto can be enterable. It is enterable. Instead of entering the scenery_grotto, try going south.