Volume Twenty - "Olympus"
Good Heavens is a recurring scene. Good Heavens begins when the player is Stiffy Makane and the location is in Olympus. Good Heavens ends when the player is Stiffy Makane and the location is not in Olympus.
Olympic_sky_scenery is sky_scenery. It is in Summit, Olympic Plaza, Palace Steps, and Olympic Garden. The description is "The hot yellow sun seems almost near enough to touch. The sky is a vivid, almost electric, blue." Understand "sky", "sun", "yellow", "brilliant", "blue", "vivid", "electric", and "hot" as olympic_sky_scenery.
Test to-olympus with "test to-prionia / w / test climbing".
Test min-to-olympus with "test min-to-eris/test min-eris/test min-hades/test mantua / e / s / w / w / ask palinurus about thessalonica / d / test min-thessalonica / w/ test climbing".