Stiffy Makane: Apocolocyntosis — 13 of 235

One of the Bruces and Drunken Bastard

Release 1

Part Three - "References"

[fifteen of these here]

Table of References

a number"Eliot, T.S""The Waste Land""dedication"
--"Shakespeare, William""The Tragedy of Julius Caesar""Act III, Scene 2"
--"Shakespeare, William""The Tragedy of Julius Caesar""Act V, Scene 5"
--"Ryan, Mark""The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane""EXAMINE STIFFY"
--"Ryan, Mark""The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane""DROP STIFFY"
--"Ogden, C.K. and Ian Richards""The Meaning of Meaning""(citation unknown)"
--"Muckenhaupt, Carl""The Gostak""[italic type]passim[roman type]"
--"Wolfe, Gene""The Sword of the Lictor""Chapter XXXVII, [italic type]Terminus Est[roman type]"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""I.55"
--"[o-stroke]rberg, Hans H.""Lingua Latina""Chapter 3"
--"Wilson, Robert Anton and Robert Shea""The Eye in the Pyramid""Book 2, pp. 208-209"
--"Mitchelhill, James""Kallisti""EXAMINE APPLE"
--"The Nethack Development Team""Nethack""3.4.3, prayer.c"
--"Blank, Marc and David P. Lebling""Zork I""entering a dark area"
--"Wiess College, Rice University""Night of Decadence""[italic type]passim[roman type]"

[Continued table starts at Reference 16]

Table of References (Continued)

--"Blank, Mark and David P. Lebling""Zork I""the Land of the Dead"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""[daytime_citation]"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""I.63"
--"Waits, Tom""Rain Dogs""'Downtown Train'"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""I.70"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""I.74-5"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""III.243-6"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""III.228-9"
--"Rowson, Martin""The Waste Land""III.65"
--"Blank, Mark and David P. Lebling""Zork I""SMELL SACK"
--"Lehrer, Tom""Tom Lehrer Revisited""I Wanna Go Back To Dixie"
--"Ryan, Mark""The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane""TOUCH BREASTS"
--"Ryan, Mark""The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane""FUCK HOOTERS"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""II.115-116"
--"Amateau, Rodney""High School U.S.A.""Archie Feld to Chuckie Dipple"
--"Romero, John""Doom""E3M2"
--"Eliot, T.S.""Sweeny Among the Nightingales""35-40"
--"Wayne, Jon""Texas Funeral""'Texas Jail Cell'"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""V.391"
--"Eliot, T.S.""Sweeny Among the Nightingales""1-4"
--"Eliot, T.S.""Sweeny Among the Nightingales""8"
--"Granade, Stephen""Losing Your Grip""after first move"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""V.331"
--"Eliot, T.S.""Sweeny Among the Nightingales""5-8"

[Continued table starts at Reference 40]

Table of References (Continued)

--"Crowther, Will and Don Woods""Adventure""beginning[10 as a footnote]"
--"Suetonius""Lives of the Twelve Caesars""Julius.LII (attributed to Curio the Elder)"
--"Dickey, James""Deliverance""September 14"
--"Wayne, Jon""Texas Funeral""'Is That Justice?'"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""II.91-93[13 as a footnote]"

[p. 75 of the Delta 1994 trade paperback, for Deliverance]

[ So, that's 49 in total so far]

[starting at fifty]

Table of References (Continued)

--"Rowson, Martin""The Waste Land""I.31"
--"Anthony, Piers""In the Barn""collected in Harlan Ellison, [italic type]Again, Dangerous Visions[roman type], p. 409"
--"Aristophanes""Frogs""Croaking Chorus[18 as a footnote]"
--"Tolkien, J.R.R.""The Lord of the Rings""Book IV, Chapter 9: Shelob[apostrophe]s Lair"
--"Gygax, Gary""Monster Manual""Demon (Juiblex)"
--"Blank, Marc and David P. Lebling""Zork I""READ BOOK"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""III.307-308"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""IV.312"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""IV.321"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""II.125"

[59 to here]


Table of References (Continued)

--"Shakespeare, William""The Tempest""Act I, Scene II, l. 398"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""I.47-55"
--"Coen, Ethan and Joel Coen""The Big Lebowski""The Dude"
--"Blank, Mark and David P. Lebling""Zork I""KILL MYSELF WITH HANDS"
--"Adams, Scott""Adventureland""GET MUD[31 as a footnote] (on first turn)"
--"Waits, Tom""Alice""'Hang Me In The Bottle'"
--"Shakespeare, William""Much Ado About Nothing""Act I, Scene I, l,. 259"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""Epigraph"



Table of References (Continued)

--"Nabokov, Vladimir""Lolita""Part Two, Chapter 23"
--"Blank, Mark and David P. Lebling""Zork I""TALK TO MYSELF"
--"Van Lente, Fred and Ryan Dunlavey""Action Philosophers #1""Panel 1"
--"Pratchett, Terry""The Discworld Saga""C.M.O.T. Dibbler, [italic type]passim[roman type]"
--"Blank, Marc and David P. Lebling""Zork I""XYZZY"



Table of References (Continued)

--"Callaci, Irene""Dangerous Curves""ASK LIBRARIAN ABOUT DATE"
--"Blank, Marc and David P. Lebling""Zork I""Skeleton in maze west of Troll Room"
--"Ted Bates Ad Agency""Palmolive""Jan Miner in 'Madge the Manicurist' ad spots, 1966-1992, [italic type]passim[roman type]"
--"The Velvet Underground and Nico""The Velvet Underground and Nico""Venus in Furs"
--"Clayton Williams""1990 Texas Gubernatorial Race""a joke comparing bad weather to rape[43 as a footnote]"



Table of References (Continued)

--"Granade, Stephen""Child's Play""SEARCH DIAPER"
--"Eliot, T.S.""The Waste Land""I.5-7"
--"Rowson, Martin""The Waste Land""note for I.2"
--"Page, Jimmy and Robert Plant""Led Zeppelin IV""'Stairway to Heaven'"
--"Smith, Kevin""Clerks II""Becky to Dante"



Table of References (Continued)

--"Paul Weitz""American Pie""Michelle to Jim"
--"Victor Fleming""The Wizard of Oz""Wicked Witch of the West to Dorothy"
--"The Nethack Development Team""Nethack""3.4.3, prayer.c: 1291-1294"
--"DeYoung, Dennis""The Grand Illusion""'Come Sail Away'"
--"Quentin Tarantino""Pulp Fiction""Captain Koons to young Butch"



Table of References (Continued)

--"Rob Reiner""The Princess Bride""Miracle Max to Inigo Montoya, Fezzick, and Westley"

References mentioned is a number that varies.

To say (reference - a number) as a reference:

if the current referentiality is referential


if reference > number of filled rows in the Table of References


say "Programming error: reference assignment out of range.";


choose row reference in the Table of References;

if there is no assignment entry


now references mentioned is references mentioned + 1;

choose row reference in the Table of References;

now assignment entry is references mentioned;

say " [bracket]reference [assignment entry][close bracket]";

if references mentioned is 1


now reference_explained is 1;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if.

Understand "reference [number]" as looking up a reference. Understand "ref [number]" as looking up a reference.

Looking up a reference is an action out of world applying to one number.

Check looking up a reference:

if the current referentiality is not referential, say "You must enable references [bracket]BIBLIOGRAPHY ON[close bracket] before you can look up the references." instead;

if the number understood > references mentioned, say "You haven't seen any such reference." instead;

if the number understood < 1, say "References are numbered from 1." instead.

Carry out looking up a reference:

choose row with assignment of number understood in the Table of References;

if the first_reference is not_warned_about


say "[bracket]You can disable bibliographic references with BIBLIOGRAPHY OFF[close bracket][paragraph break]";

now the first_reference is warned_about;

end if;

say "[bracket]Reference [assignment entry][close bracket]: [author entry]. [italic type][work entry][roman type], [citation entry]."